Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The last few years I have spent some time setting goals and changing habits. I chose to use one word to guide me throughout the year. (A friend shared this idea with me). In 2015 it was un-clutter and 2016 was un-busy, both being driven by my life of clutter, filling empty spaces with the stuff of life that could instead been used for another purpose. Both these words touched on many areas of my life, my relationships, my home, my time, my faith journey, etc. 

This year as January rolled around I began to think through what God has taught me and what I was learning in the lessons of life. I waited and listened and looked around. Toward the middle of January I still had no word for 2017. I don’t need a word for the year, I certainly can live without one. But as I waited, and listened and looked around me, I suddenly was aware of God nudging me. I was reading a book through the month of January and one character’s name was Meg, her full name being Margaret. She learned the meaning of her name, which was pearl. I did a bit of reading on how a pearl is formed and immediately knew what my word for this year was to be. I knew that throughout the next year I want to trust God’s work in my life, in the big and little details, in order to respond like an oyster does, by coating the irritant, until a beautiful pearl is formed. How cool is that!

A pearl is formed when an irritant works it way into an oyster and the defense mechanism is to coat the irritant with layers of pearl forming ingredients. I love this! I thought through the irritants in my life, made a list and asked God how can I coat them with a pearl forming ingredient? What is that ingredient? Sometimes love, sometimes patience, sometimes joy. All fruit of God's Spirit working inside of me. 

So…2017’s word is pearl. Pretty simple, yet this will be a guide as I work to rest in God’s grace, trust his heart and his sovereign hand.

In my jewelry box I have a set of pearls. They weren't expensive but I usually only wear them once or twice a year. I figure they're pearls so I was saving them for something fancy. This past week I pulled out the pearl necklace and a set of pearl earrings and decided this was the way to remind myself what God is teaching me each day! So I am not saving these pearls for some fancy event, I'm wearing them, everyday!  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I am happy to say I completed my second book of the year. This book by Dr. Henry Cloud challenged me all month long. The title, The One-Life Solution, intrigued me as I shopped in the thrift section of a book store. I've heard great reviews on Cloud's many books, so I figured it was worth the $3 I paid for it. The subtitle really caught my eye, Reclaim Your Personal Life While Achieving Greater Professional Success. My work is my life and while I love it, there are times when I feel a bit out of balance. Camping is a consuming lifestyle.

I love the thought of a quick fix; read this book and learn how one thing can fix all your little problems. I suffer from a couple of troubles that I am pretty sure reading a book in the month of February cannot fix. For example, I do not like to say no, I have too much stuff, I love my all consuming job, and we live a very busy lifestyle because of the ministry. That said, I have tried to figure out how to find balance in my life so that some of the little things that really bug me can be worked out.

The challenge is that there are no easy fixes to anything. I am a bit disappointed and I kind of want my $3 back. Aside from learning that my problems are mainly related to me being me, I did really enjoy the book and would recommend it. I have my $3 copy so if someone would like to borrow it, you are welcome to it.

Here are the top things I learned from this book:
1. I need a good fence around my yard.
2. My motives are half wrong and half right.
3. Hurt and harm are two different things.
4. Guilt is not a good motivator.
5. I might be addicted to my smart phone, email, and social media.
6. Some simple changes can make a huge difference.

Here is a paradox Cloud shares about rules (boundaries or fences), "a rule- though it limits you in some ways, it simultaneously empowers you in others." (pg. 149)

Toward  the beginning of the book one paragraph stuck out:

"When you put your head on the pillow that night, you know that you moved the ball down the field that day, in the right game, in ways that matter to you. You are where you are supposed to be, doing what you were made to do, accomplishing all that you were capable of. You feel good through it all, knowing your professional life works well with other things that are important to you: your family, your friendships, your avocations, your values, your passions, your health, and your spirituality. The two lives, work and the personal things you value, are not in conflict with each other, nor do they even feel like two lives. Instead, you feel like one person authentically living out different parts of yourself in an integrated fashion, not allowing any one part to become the whole, or to get in the way of the other parts. This is what it looks like to be fully human- fully alive." (pg. 22)

This paragraph sums up what I feel is the goal of the book. There are times when I work hard in ministry, give all I have, go to bed really tired but often wake up not feeling refreshed. When I give like that day after day, I suddenly realize I am consumed with success in ministry and I have let some other really important parts of my life be pushed to the side. The good things I have done, are good, but possibly were not the best choice of my time at that moment.

Cloud uses the example of the glass jar, the pebbles and the rocks. Placing the larges rocks in the jar first allows for the most of the pebbles to be put in the jar as well. When the pebbles are placed in jar first, it is impossible to then put the large rocks in. This simple visual helps me see where I need to make some adjustments. Dan is a big rock in my life, my kids are a big rock in my life, my faith and spiritual life are a big rock in my life. As I began to work through the book I could see how I often place the pebbles in the jar first.

Over the past month, I have worked to intentionally place the large rocks in my jar. I can say that in order to do that I have had to say no to a few things. But in saying no (putting a fence up), I actually was able to say yes to more things and lay my head on my pillow at night, rest well and be refreshed.

I know I am not alone in this struggle. I have made it a matter of prayer, to be wise in my choices and to trust God to fill in the gaps of my errors. He is gracious and continues to guide me with a gentle hand.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

I love books. If you have been in my home, you already know that. I have many, many book shelves all of them full and overflowing. I have tried to downsize; it's really hard. I have so many I want to read and I have very little spare time.

 So at the beginning of this year I decided to pull 12 books from my shelf and try to read one book a month this year. That seems like a fairly doable goal. So, here I am in February with one book finished. I received this book from my daughter in law, Brittany. She knows the types of things I enjoy reading so it was fun to start with that one. The author lives in the same area as my son and daughter in law. Very fun to read local authors that I may get the chance to meet!

The book is entitled 'Simply Tuesday' with a sub title of 'small-moment living in a fast-moving world.' This immediately caught my attention.

The book for me in the month of January was like a fleece blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. I seemed to snuggle down on a blustery day and read, figuratively speaking though. It warmed my soul and calmed my heart. It spoke truth but in a gentle and loving way. It was a comfort and encouraged the start of a new year.

If you are looking for a great book to possibly place a healing salve on an open wound, this is the book. If life has entrapped you and you feel a bit overwhelmed, this is the book. If you are looking for a long list of how to's and a heap of guilt, this is NOT the book. 

I would love to hear from you and your thoughts on this book. 
The book was written by Emily P Freeman. Enjoy! 

Over the next few weeks I want to share ways that I am living simply and enjoying the small things in life. 


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Writing Again...

In 1991 my husband and I left our home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, packed all our belongings and took a full time job in ministry. Since then, we have journeyed through many highs and lows. At one of the extreme lows in our life, I began to write. I awoke early in the morning, jotting down my first thoughts. I laid awake at night with so much running through my mind that I began leaving a notebook next to my bed. It seemed that is when my mind would most often compile coherent thoughts. Writing was therapeutic for me, as I would write I could feel the healing sweeping over me. I learned to devour God's Word and then write my response to what I had learned.

I seemed to set writing aside for a time; it comes and goes. Just a few years later I began writing in a journal. My writings seemed to be more of a prayer journal for me, resembling the Psalms as David wrote of his highs and lows. When things are going well, my mind and heart demand less of an outlet. Blogging has become a popular thing, and while it cannot replace my prayer journal, it can be another way for me to work through the highs and lows of life. And so I write again.

In September my husband and I were privileged to take a sabbatical. As I was away from my home and had more time to process my thoughts, I began to write again. Over the next few weeks I will share some of those writings. I am thankful for the joy of writing and for the gift of hope that comes when we allow God to be a part of our hurt and healing. Joy comes when God's Word is carefully applied like a bandage to a wound, like a cool cloth to a fever or heat to a sore back. One thing I have learned is that what I have to say really does not matter much, it is what God has to say and how I respond to it that is significant. I am looking forward to begin my blog and have you along for the journey.