Thursday, February 4, 2016

I love books. If you have been in my home, you already know that. I have many, many book shelves all of them full and overflowing. I have tried to downsize; it's really hard. I have so many I want to read and I have very little spare time.

 So at the beginning of this year I decided to pull 12 books from my shelf and try to read one book a month this year. That seems like a fairly doable goal. So, here I am in February with one book finished. I received this book from my daughter in law, Brittany. She knows the types of things I enjoy reading so it was fun to start with that one. The author lives in the same area as my son and daughter in law. Very fun to read local authors that I may get the chance to meet!

The book is entitled 'Simply Tuesday' with a sub title of 'small-moment living in a fast-moving world.' This immediately caught my attention.

The book for me in the month of January was like a fleece blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. I seemed to snuggle down on a blustery day and read, figuratively speaking though. It warmed my soul and calmed my heart. It spoke truth but in a gentle and loving way. It was a comfort and encouraged the start of a new year.

If you are looking for a great book to possibly place a healing salve on an open wound, this is the book. If life has entrapped you and you feel a bit overwhelmed, this is the book. If you are looking for a long list of how to's and a heap of guilt, this is NOT the book. 

I would love to hear from you and your thoughts on this book. 
The book was written by Emily P Freeman. Enjoy! 

Over the next few weeks I want to share ways that I am living simply and enjoying the small things in life. 
