Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Writing Again...

In 1991 my husband and I left our home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, packed all our belongings and took a full time job in ministry. Since then, we have journeyed through many highs and lows. At one of the extreme lows in our life, I began to write. I awoke early in the morning, jotting down my first thoughts. I laid awake at night with so much running through my mind that I began leaving a notebook next to my bed. It seemed that is when my mind would most often compile coherent thoughts. Writing was therapeutic for me, as I would write I could feel the healing sweeping over me. I learned to devour God's Word and then write my response to what I had learned.

I seemed to set writing aside for a time; it comes and goes. Just a few years later I began writing in a journal. My writings seemed to be more of a prayer journal for me, resembling the Psalms as David wrote of his highs and lows. When things are going well, my mind and heart demand less of an outlet. Blogging has become a popular thing, and while it cannot replace my prayer journal, it can be another way for me to work through the highs and lows of life. And so I write again.

In September my husband and I were privileged to take a sabbatical. As I was away from my home and had more time to process my thoughts, I began to write again. Over the next few weeks I will share some of those writings. I am thankful for the joy of writing and for the gift of hope that comes when we allow God to be a part of our hurt and healing. Joy comes when God's Word is carefully applied like a bandage to a wound, like a cool cloth to a fever or heat to a sore back. One thing I have learned is that what I have to say really does not matter much, it is what God has to say and how I respond to it that is significant. I am looking forward to begin my blog and have you along for the journey.